Tuesday 25 February 2020

The Universe Will Provide ....

That well known saying "the Universe will provide" is very true. Our job is to make sure we recognise these opportunities and do something with them.

The Qabalah teachings remind us to remain vigilant and open to opportunities when we come to explore the sephiroth on the Tree of Life known as 'Geburah' and 'Chesed'.

Chesed is very much to do with synchronicity, order and timing. Keywords attached to this sephirah include opportunity and growth.

At the top of the pillar of Form on the Tree of Life the sephirah Binah teaches that it's through the virtue of Silence that we aspire to attain Spiritual Understanding. It's through silencing the mind that we're able to 'hear', and be guided by, the voice of the higher self. But we must be prepared to listen.

Chesed represents the opportunity to expand the mind and increase our understanding. Sometimes these opportunities may not seem like much of a 'gift' but it would be wise to remember that it is from our most difficult tests in life that we often learn and understand the most.

It's when we refuse to acknowledge or act upon this 'gift' that we feel the force of the sephirah Geburah - also known as 'Might'.

Chesed provides the opportunities. Geburah presents us with a reality check in the guise of 'Fate'. Fate steps in and takes over when we fail to action the opportunities. The energy of Geburah often seems very harsh. No-one likes to have matters taken out of their hands but if the individual is out of alignment with the Will of the Soul there is a danger of imbalance. 

The soul is under the direction of the spirit and the spiritual desire overrides everything. 

As we study each of the sephirah, and ascend the Tree of Life, so we are presented with challenges to overcome and learn from. 

The whole aim, for us as individuals, is to accommodate the soul's mission on earth. The Universe helps by providing opportunities - bringing us closer to fulfilling our soul functions; expanding our vision of the bigger spiritual picture.

More on Qabalah and Tree of Life can be found on the following links: