Tuesday 31 December 2019

Time for Change?

As the current year comes to a close and a new one comes into force many people take this time to reassess and take stock of everything that is happening (or not happening) in their life. It’s easy to get swept along with preparations for the festive season and the hype and ‘busyness’ of it all. Then once the celebrations are over, and the decorations have come down, it’s back to normality and facing the stark reality of what ‘normal’ is. It can all seem a little flat. 

For many now is the time for making resolutions which often don’t last despite good intentions which just adds to the general feeling of despondency that this time of year often brings. Particularly to those in the western hemisphere who are in the midst of a dark, cold winter. What is needed is something more structured that can focus your mind on how your life is unfolding and what you really want for yourself in the future, and this is where the Tree of Life can help. 

The Tree of Life

Before going any further it is important to realise that the Tree of Life is not some sort of ‘fast track’ magical solution to all your problems. There is no magic wand that will transform your life in an instant. The Tree of Life offers a step by step process that gradually helps you to ‘help your self’. It is a self-help tool and spiritual guide that will highlight your strengths and weaknesses and offer insights to help you change your life and your thinking. Often it is your attitude of mind that is the key when it comes to making powerful life changes. For unless you are prepared to open your mind and change habits that are ingrained within the personality, nothing much will alter. 

The beauty of the Tree of Life is in its versatility. It encompasses all aspects of spiritual and physical life. The Tree of Life is not an alternative religion. Unlike many faiths, religions and traditions, the Tree of Life never tells you what to do or how to live your life. Instead it offers insights which challenge you to widen your perception of Self and the world around you. 

You naturally find, as you venture deeper into the teachings, that you will start to feel more in control of your life and better equipped to make more informed choices and decisions.

Starting on the ground floor the Tree of Life begins with the basics which is the start of taking control and managing your life more effectively. This stage naturally includes clarifying what you want and also what you feel is absolutely necessary and essential to protect your overall wellbeing.

As you progress so your wants and needs will change. This is an important, but often overlooked, part of your lifelong journey. Without fully keeping on top of your wants and needs you will always have difficulty setting and achieving goals to improve your life in the future. 

Life-long Journey

As the Tree of Life covers all aspects of spiritual and physical life the teachings are vast. However, they are also beautifully simple. Of course you can ‘dip’ in and out of the teachings but you will gain the most by taking everything one step at a time and working your way through them in an orderly fashion. Most ‘quick-fixes’ in life are usually only temporary. Quick fixes do not allow for time to make lasting change. Lifetime habits need to be recognised and released and new ones need to be formed. All of this, as explained throughout the teachings, takes time and patience. Anything worthwhile takes effort.

It is not unusual for the Tree of Life to return you to the beginning of your journey. Everyone hits highs and lows and its easy to get caught up in daily life issues and forget the bigger picture. 

The Tree of Life has a way of redirecting you back to basics - to tie up loose ends, and reconsider wants and needs. This is a perfectly normal and essential part of the process. A phase of reassessment is invaluable each time you complete a stage. It helps to consolidate what you have just learnt and prepares you before delving deeper and further into the teachings. For, if your life is not in order it will affect your emotional stability, attitude and deeper feelings, and render you a pretty ineffective vehicle for the soul to work through. 

Soul Functions

What you are aiming to do is align yourself to the will of the soul and be guided by your higher self.  This is why you can continue to work with the Tree of Life for life. There is always more to learn, more to experience.  Whatever is happening in your life you can relate it to the Tree of Life and be confident in the knowledge that there is always a way forward that can be found in amongst the teachings.  As you get more proficient with the teachings you will naturally find you are in a favourable position to be able to help others. Sometimes just by example in the way you manage your own life. In other instances - through continuing with your studies - you will begin to activate your own soul functions through, for example, healing or teaching. Everyone has a soul function - a life purpose - this becomes more obvious as time goes by and you become more in tune with your own creative abilities. 

Getting started with the Tree of Life

There is so much to be gained from studying the Tree of Life. Although it is not a ‘quick fix’ process the benefits can soon be seen in the way you operate as an individual and take back control over your life. If you feel now is the time to change your life and discover for yourself how this ancient wisdom can help you then take a look at some of the links below and find out how to get started with the Tree of Life. 

Remember, if you decide now is the time to change your life you must be prepared to ‘do’ something different. Just 'thinking' about changing your life is not enough ... it needs to be backed up with 'action'.

More information can be found about Qabalah and the Tree of Life by clicking on the following links:

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