Friday 10 July 2020

Qabalah Pathworkings - Stepping Stones to the Soul

The most exciting thing for me about studying Qabalah and the Tree of Life is the way the teachings got me thinking about things that had never previously crossed my mind. It's not until something is brought to your attention that you know it exists and this ancient wisdom has taught me so much about myself. The first six paths begin at the base of the Tree of Life. They are totally focused on aspects of the personality providing insights into how to transform negative traits with the purpose of making us a more suitable vehicle for the soul to work through.

These first six paths could be classified as stepping stones to the soul. The journey begins with The Universe path. You are given coins to pay Charon, the ferry man, who will transport you across the River Styx to the Underworlds. And so we gain more understanding about the cycles of life and why it is so important to live life to the full and not count the cost of every kindly deed we do. 

Click here for more information on the Universe Path and read through the guided meditation.

**Note** in order to fully understand Qabalah and the paths of the Tree of Life it is recommended to study each sephirah first. In total there are 10 sephiroth. Each one is very different and focuses on a different aspect of physical and spiritual life. The Universe Path runs between the sephiroth Malkuth and Yesod - between this world and the next. Malkuth represents the physical plane - our planet earth - and Yesod aligns with the lower astral levels, subconscious memories, and the Moon. 

Useful links: