Wednesday 11 September 2019

Yesod - Doorway to the Subterranean Subconscious

An introduction to the sphere of Yesod on the Tree of Life and doorway to the subterranean subconscious. 

Emotions can catch us unaware and we can often find ourselves reacting without always fully understanding where the depth of emotion comes from.

Uncontrolled emotion can be very damaging both to us and those around us. Study of this sphere can help to recognise triggers that generate negative emotional responses and find ways to rein in the power of the subconscious mind which is the governor of automatic emotional reactions.

If you would like to learn more about Yesod and the rest of the Tree of Life then take a look at our series of Practical Qabalah and Tree of Life workbooks. They are designed for beginners and available in paperback, kindle and pdf format from The Order of the White Lion website.

Useful links:

Malkuth - Gateway to Inner worlds and Elemental Kingdoms

Hod - Power of Thought and Conscious Mind

Qabalah Articles

Qabalah Paths of the Personality

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