Friday 15 June 2018

A Spiritual Journey in Stages

The mystical teachings of Qabalah are laid out on the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is like a road map. Wherever you may find yourself in life - whatever the situation - you can 'map' it on the Tree. Then, through working with the teachings of Qabalah, you can help yourself to find answers to life's challenges and discover better, more effective ways of living your life in line with the true nature of who you are, and develop your own creative power that can ultimately be used to help others.

To help get you started it's useful to know that the spiritual journey ascending the Tree of Life is broken down into stages:

1. Preparation (for the journey); 2. Beginning; 3. Travelling; 4. Arriving

The sphere of Malkuth, situated at the base of the Tree of Life, represents the physical, material plane. Malkuth is the first area to explore and it is through this sephirah that the rest of the Tree of Life is accessed.

Getting to grips with the basics and the teachings of Malkuth help to give you a strong foundation upon which to work as you go deeper into the rest of the Tree. 

The focus in Malkuth is on prioritising your life and learning how to manage it more effectively. It is also where you meet Sandalphon, the Archangel and Guardian of Humanity, and connect with the inner worlds of existence and elemental kingdoms. 

If you would like to learn more about how to get started with Qabalah and the Tree of Life please visit The Order of the White Lion website. 

There is also a complete series of workbooks - available in paperback, Kindle and pdf format and designed for beginners - that can help you with your studies. 

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