Sunday 18 December 2011

Laws of the Universe

Love is the strongest force in the Universe.

In Chesed we discover more about the Power of Love.  On the Tree of Life Chesed is sephirah number four and known as Mercy.  Chesed is where the journey to enlightenment really begins as we go in Search of the Truth and explore the Bigger, spiritual Picture in more depth.  In Chesed we attempt to strengthen our connection with the Teachers of Humanity, evolved Masters who have walked this journey before us, and who can teach us how to walk in perfect time with the natural order of the Universe.

In this sephirah we also learn more about the Evolution of Flame and the role the angels and archangels play in the Bigger Picture.

Learn more about the Ancient Wisdom of Qabalah - complete series of workbooks now available

Thursday 25 August 2011

The practical Qabalah

The Order of the White Lion and Isis Qabalah Tuition are run by teachers who have completed an extensive study of spiritual awareness, in particular Qabalah and the Tree of Life, working very much on a practical level.

Our aim is to raise awareness of the Qabalah teachings and show others how to use the Tree of Life through our series of workbooks.

Designed for beginners the workbooks prove how these timeless teachings, passed down through the ages by word of mouth, remain as relevant today in the twenty-first century as they have always been, helping us deal with life’s challenges as well as identify our dreams and turn them into something real.

The Qabalah is not a religion, it is a Way of Life. The Tree of Life covers all aspects of spirituality. The teachings show us there is no need to limit ourselves or stick rigidly to any one belief. They outline the route to happiness, fulfilment and peace and very simply, promote a Way of Life that is:

Right for You

There are no promises of quick fixes. Anything worthwhile takes time

but what we receive from these teachings is the equivalent of a Degree in Life.

The teachings take us on a journey that begins on the ground floor, examining the way we handle the energy of the physical plane. We discover what we really want, who we are and our purpose on Earth.

As we explore the different sephirah and ascend the Tree of Life we learn the art of Self Mastery. Doorways of understanding open and we naturally find we extend on our senses. Our sixth sense becomes more active and our intuition sparks into life as we realise our point of power is in the Here and Now.

The human brain, the most complex and active organ in the body is one of the greatest tools in the universe. Its full potential is unknown. It is a limitless source of creative imagination. It gives us the power to sow creative seeds and bring ideas to life.

Qabalah teaches us how to tap into this power, to balance the energies of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and stimulate it into action. We begin to appreciate the great magic that is the mind as our life takes on a shape that we want. Transforming the seeds of our desires into something real.

These ancient teachings raise awareness on all levels from the physical plane to the source of all creation, helping us bring heaven down to earth - creating the ideal life that is: