Friday 15 June 2018

Why I Love Qabalah and Tree of Life

Over 30 years ago, when I first started studying at the Mystery and Qabalah School of Maat it was to learn about Astrology. Friends of mine had started a course at this ‘amazing’ place and told me I would love it, so I signed up and went along. It was the beginning of something truly incredible.  

I wasn’t looking for spiritual enlightenment. I was more interested in finding an interesting hobby.

The moment I stepped through the doors of the school I felt I'd entered something very different.  The building felt alive and on more than one occasion the hairs on the back of my neck stood fully on end!

At first I felt like a square peg in a round hole and it was only because I'd made lots of effort to get there, that I stayed.

I’m very glad I did because what I learnt was life changing.

When I first attended the classes I had no idea that behind the astrology tuition was a school teaching Qabalah - the practical Qabalah - to be precise, that encompassed, amongst other things, tarot, inner light and karma.

Once I'd completed all the courses I was asked if I would be interested in continuing only now the teachings would be on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

I'd never heard of Qabalah or the Tree of Life before entering the School of Maat but I'd absolutely loved what I'd learnt so far so decided to stay and complete the training.

It was the start of something wonderful. Before, had someone tried to talk to me about angels or crystals or healing, I would have felt uncomfortable.

However, with the training that I received everything started to make sense. I could see more of the bigger picture, and understand better how everything in life interacted and connected.  

I questioned everything. All of the students were fully encouraged to question and not just blindly follow what we were being taught. It’s through asking questions that we learn. It's through experience that we get our own proofs that the teachings actually work.

The process of studying the practical Qabalah started at the base of the Tree of Life. Unlike many Kabbalah schools, who focus on the top of the Tree first, we began by contemplating on the life we had created for ourselves, the way we took action to get what we want, and examined the way we behaved.

When we had completed the first phase we moved on to what was called the 'level of the personality'. This involved the study of the emotions, thoughts and feelings. This stage brought us closer to understanding more about how we operate as an individual. 

Next we focused on connecting with the soul (personal spirit guides were covered in the level of the personality) and looked at karma. This included personal, family, national and racial karma.  In guided meditation we looked into the picture of life to see the piece we represent within the great jigsaw of life

The journey continued until we reached the spiritual realms and then we went back to the beginning and started again, at the base of the Tree of Life, this time going deeper; peeling back further layers to reveal more of the truth of who we really are. 

The Tree of Life is vast. There are worlds within worlds to explore and learn about. Yet, despite it's size, the Tree of Life is also beautifully simple.

What my training has done for me is propel me forward. It's given me confidence and the courage to explore and pursue my life’s interests. 

Early on in my studies I soon learnt that spiritual enlightenment cannot be handed on a plate. You have to work for it. And once you start to expand your thinking there's no going back. You cannot undo awareness. 

There was no question that I would not continue. There was a restlessness inside me that wanted to keep learning and endeavouring to understand. 

I studied at the School of Maat for over 15 years.

What I received for my efforts is like the equivalent to a degree in life. It's made me a better person. A more productive individual. I was given the tools to help myself and that is what I've done, and continue to do, as well as help others to do the same. 

In 2002 the school of Maat evolved into the Order of the White Lion.  If you would like to explore the Tree of Life for yourself then please visit our website:  The Order of the White Lion

There's a series of Tree of Life workbooks you may find of interest. They're down to earth, designed for beginners and easy to follow.

We can also be found on Facebook: Practical Qabalah and Tree of Life Tuition

Twitter: @IsisTuition  and Instagram

Useful links: